Hi Tom,
I'd like to know how the channel parameters interact with GCode execution.
I find that my Y axis is tuned so that a Move works well with a particular set of V, A, and J in the "motion profile", but when I run GCode with high feed rates, the SnapAmp current limit is tripped, and the GCode can't complete.
I thought that each axis had a max V, A, and J, and that choosing these numbers in the "motion profile" would guarantee that the axis wouldn't attempt to execute moves that exceeded them. Is that true?
If so, then what could cause a particular line of GCode to trip the SnapAmp current limit, when that doesn't happen when testing the Step Response?
The rationale for the max values, I thought, was to ensure that the maximum capabilities of the SnapAmp, motor, and PID parameters were not exceeded, allowing cutting to occur without errors.
Can a GCode program cause motions that exceed the V, A, and J in the "motion profile" ?